About Us

Harmony Ridge Farms is a family owned farm set in the rolling hills of Tobaccoville, NC. 

We produce vegetables, melons, pork and eggs.  Our HRF label beef is produced in partnership with Randleman Farms of Elon, NC.  

Kevin and Isaac Oliver (father and son), founded the farm in 2010. As of 2021, Isaac assumed sole ownership and runs the day-to-day operations. He’s joined by Jen St. Clair, Roldan Vaguez and Matt Patterson, who help steer the ship and a crew of field workers and drivers.   Isaac’s wife Holly helps run the office and provides moral support.  

Harmony Ridge  strives to increase local access to gourmet-quality natural produce and proteins across socioeconomic divides through our CSA, outreach programs, home deliveries, market sales and wholesale operation.  

We are committed to a sustainable growing system: we employ numerous soil-building techniques in the field, crop rotation, cover cropping and composting. All HRF produce is grown sustainably, without the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides or fungicides.  

Harmony Ridge also acts as a food hub, buying and redistributing some of the finest local and regional produce. 

Our livestock is raised humanely, outdoors on pasture without exception.  2024 will mark our 15th year of diversified production. 

Many of our products are sold directly to local families through our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and Goodie List delivery service. We attend Cobblestone Farmers Market every Saturday morning. We also service fine restaurants, caterers and co-ops in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Charlotte and places in between.